At the end of October, LiSEC launched the Online Product Configurator.

The process 
Lines or processing solutions can be assembled on the LiSEC website, which allows experimenting with a wide range of options and details. The first line available in the configurator was the LiSEC SplitFin processing line, and new machines and lines are continuously added. Once the user is satisfied with their individually assembled line, they can get an email summary including an image preview and technical detail information. Within two weeks, our competent sales team will follow up with a definite quotation, which will be the basis for an advisory consultation.

The advantages
The configurator is optimised for all user devices (desktop, smartphone, tablet) and can be used quickly and easily. Individual configurations can be printed to provide a clear overview, or conveniently forwarded via email.

25.02.2019, LiSEC Group

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