Ardagh Glass Packaging’s ‘Rising Star’ is a winner at the UK Packaging Awards

Megan Hoyle, Environmental Manager at Ardagh Glass Packaging (AGP)-Knottingley, UK, has been presented with the Rising Star award at this year’s UK Packaging Awards, for her initiative, hard work and dedication to genuine environmental improvement and sustainability.


All entrants in the category were Highly Commended, demonstrating the tough competition from across the packaging industry in this aspirational category.

On winning the coveted award, Megan said, “I am so thrilled to win the Rising Star award, particularly as I was nominated for the sustainability and diversity initiatives that I feel so passionately about. I couldn’t have done any of it without the help from my colleagues at AGP-Knottingley and the incredible support from my managers.”

Rob Fisher, Plant Director at AGP-Knottingley, said “Megan’s passion for genuine environmental improvement and sustainability comes through strongly in the many projects she has championed, including waste reduction through washing and reusing PPE, and working with the local council to assess how AGP-Knottingley can work with other local businesses to help to meet sustainability goals.”

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01.11.2023, Ardagh Glass Packaging

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