Absolut Elyx bottle honours copper still

Ardagh Group has produced the latest evolution of Absolut’s Elyx vodka bottle, which celebrates the role that copper plays in the distillation process of the luxury vodka.

Fredrik Kallqvist, Development Manager of Ardagh Group’s Glass Nordic division explains how the new bottle design has really pushed the boundaries of industrial glass production: “The bottle’s square cross-section and areas combining heavy patterns with smooth sections meant we had to prepare for different cooling behaviours in different parts of the bottle. Also, the large labels in the new design required the bottle to be produced with demanding geometrical precision to achieve the perfect labelling platform.”

Ardagh's involvement in the project from the very beginning was key to successfully developing the design. The Nordic team at Ardagh provided valuable manufacturing expertise when Absolut’s London-based design agency, Stranger & Stranger, presented their initial concepts for the new bottle.

The longstanding partnership between Ardagh and The Absolut Company was key to delivering this challenging design in a short timeframe. All sizes have been produced in Limmared, Sweden with excellent results.

Absolut Elyx is Absolut’s luxury, single-estate vodka brand. The new, faceted bottle design pays homage to the hand-operated vintage copper column still from 1921, which plays a vital role in creating Elyx’s smooth finish.

09.05.2019, Ardagh Group

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