Koh-I-Noor Chooses Fratelli Pezza Marking Device for Mirror Production

Italian company Koh-I-Noor has purchased Fratelli Pezza’s automatic marking device EasyMarker Up, which allows the company to mark glass and mirror plates in a horizontal position.

“The widespread use of touchscreen devices makes it possible to customize the ignition buttons combined with various surfaces such as: induction hobs, elevators, doors, interactive panels, totems, intercoms, switches, etc.,” says Michela Pezza, managing director of Fratelli Pezza.

“We are very happy, thanks to our consolidated experience in the sector, to have been able to provide the customer with a simple, but at the same time, highly effective and versatile turnkey solution. Sandblasting on mirrors has always been our specialty, and we could not fail with marking.”

“For several years we have been focusing on the production of LED mirrors, strictly made in Italy. Our strength is product customization and tailor-made production. In order to be competitive it is necessary to be highly flexible and independent from external suppliers,” adds Carlo Marvelli, product development and production manager at Koh-I-Noor.

“The marking with EasyMarker Up allowed us to quickly integrate touch electronic components directly during the mirror assembly phase, according to the customers’ specifications.”

30.08.2019, Fratelli Pezza

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