Investment group acquires Teichmann

An investment group led by the owner of a global construction company has acquired Henry F. Teichmann.

Teichmann is US-headquartered global process engineering and contracting firm dedicated to serving the glass industry. Stephen F. D’Angelo, owner, and chief executive officer of Pittsburgh-based dck worldwide, completed the transaction last week, positioning Teichmann as an affiliate and strategic partner of the construction firm that has completed building projects in 125 countries.

Mark F. Piedmonte, Teichmann’s president, said: “The fact someone who shares our vision for safety and quality, who understands the value of engineering and who has built a global construction firm, chose to invest in us says a lot about our capabilities.”

Piedmonte confirmed that there will be no changes to the leadership, project or support teams at Teichmann.

“Our clients will be working with the same experienced staff and will receive the high level of quality design and expert services that they have come to expect from Teichmann.

“In fact, Stephen was attracted to Teichmann because of our people and the intellectual capital they possess.”

Piedmonte said the acquisition provides Teichmann the financial strength to design and manage even larger projects and an opportunity to leverage dck worldwide’s expertise in areas such as vertical, civil and brownfield construction, as well as its capabilities in site development.

“Though our companies will operate separately, dck worldwide will enhance Teichmann’s turn-key multidiscipline construction capabilities while supporting our growth and solidifying our leadership position as one of the largest independent engineers and contractors to the global glass industry.”

Following its acquisition of the intellectual property of E.W. Bowman in 2017, Teichmann will continue to be the sole approved global provider of new Bowman Lehrs, parts and services.

03.03.2020, Teichmann

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