Glassman Asia 2020 postponed

Glassman Asia is committed to ensuring our event is a safe and productive environment for all attendees.  
In light of the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID-19, we have taken the difficult, but correct decision to postpone the event.
We are working closely with the venue and have secured new dates for Glassman Asia which will now take place 18 – 19 February 2021 at the Songdo Convensia, Incheon, South Korea.
All existing bookings, content, and visitor registrations remain in place and will be transferred automatically to the new dates. We will be in touch with you individually over the coming days to ensure there is a smooth transition.
We remain committed to delivering a powerful and timely platform that delivers content and business solutions to our visitors and new commercial opportunities for our exhibitors.
By acting now, we hope to remove any uncertainty. We would like to thank all our exhibitors, sponsors, visitors and speakers for your continued support and patience during this challenging time.
Should you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team immediately.
Yours sincerely,
Hannah Blake
Marketing Manager

01.05.2020, Glass International

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