OPC UA for flat glass– first Release Candidate submitted

The OPC UA Companion Specification 40301 and the associated VDMA standard sheet are expected to be available as a release in October 2021 - after the review and comment phase has been completed.

OPC 40301 describes the interface between a glass processing machine and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for data exchange. The goal of OPC 40301 is to ensure compatibility between glass processing machines and higher-level systems from different manufacturers.

This first release candidate for flat glass was submitted to the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee at DIN (NAM) on March 10, 2021. The use cases show various identification procedures as well as decisive elements of job management. The document will be available on VDMA from April, with publication in DIN-Anzeiger to follow in early May. The public can comment until July 1, 2021.

OPC Foundation members can download the corresponding documents from the website, VDMA members can find the release candidate in the DaTeR database or obtain it from Gesine Bergmann.

What it is about

Processed flat glass is individual. It is rarely processed en masse into similar articles and products. Machines must process information of individual glass elements and map processes of non-digitalized interfaces between operator and machine. There are many transformation processes, and the processing requirements are high.

Over the years, methods for information transport and modeling have been established in the glass industry, which are reflected in the OPC UA model. Example: How is a job defined? Answer: as a specified work order for one or more glass elements. For implementation, the job can reference recipes of work in the respective machines or production lines, by

1. Identification:

2. Job

23.03.2021, VDMA

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