Registration for Theme Park by GPD - June Edition After Work Huddle- now open!

The edition will be held next week  June 13-17, 2022 and the focus is on Façade Engineering.

Speaker material will be shared on Monday the 13th and the After Work Huddle will be on Thursday the 16th of June 2022 at 17:00 CEST. You can register for the After Work Huddle via the link below. Registration is free of charge.

Register for GPD Theme Park June edition After Work Huddle

Topics and speakers of the week.

Translating university research for structural silicones into new product ideas, Bruno Kassnel-Henneberg, Glas Trösch AG

Simplified Method to Evaluate Shadow Box Pressure-Temperature Relationships, Brian Koons & Glenn Johnson, Klein & Hoffman

Structural Silicone Glazing at 50 years, Jon Kimberlain, DOW represented by Adrienne Bowman-Groittini, DOW & Andrew Dunlap, Smith Group.

Curved Glass: Modernizing Form and Function in Convex and Concave Applications, Javier Sanchez-Gil, represented by Yago Martinez, Cristacurva

To allow each After Work huddle participant the opportunity to contribute actively, the number of huddle participants may be limited.

We look forward to receiving your registration and participation on the 16th of June, 2022!

Remember to follow us on LinkedIn at  Glass Performance Days (GPD) LinkedIn  and twitter at GPDconference.

09.06.2022, Glaston

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