HFT’s leadership team at 83rd annual Conference on Glass Problems

In Columbus, OH, Oct. 31 – Nov. 3


WHAT:             HFT will attend the 83rd annual Conference on Glass Problems, in the Greater Columbus Convention Center, at Booth 3.


Journalists are invited to visit the booth for input both on HFT and the industry overall. Media outlets not represented in-person at the conference may schedule remote interviews by contacting kpraschak@successcomgroup.com. Further, journalists / media outlets may consider HFT as an ongoing resource related to their glass industry coverage.


WHEN:             Oct. 31 – Nov. 3, 2022


WHERE:           83rd annual Conference on Glass Problems

Booth 3 / Greater Columbus Convention Center

Columbus, OH


Evening event (Oct. 31, 5-11 p.m. and Nov. 1, 7:15-11 p.m.)

Hilton Columbus Downtown

Hospitality Suite: Bellows B

Columbus, OH



Media relations – Kurt Praschak/kpraschak@successcomgroup.com/973.992-7800, x.289

On-site – Nicole Barr/412.965-7155

27.10.2022, HFT

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