United Plate Glass, a leading supplier of architectural glass products for over 40 years, is proud to be a long-standing customer of LiteSentry-Softsolution. The company has utilized both the LineScanner and Osprey 10 Complete for their quality inspection needs, ensuring the highest quality glass for their customers.

“We’ve been using the LineScanner for many years now,” says Cory Brown, Director of Operations at United Plate Glass. “It’s been a vital tool in our quality assurance process. In fact, our operators told me that rejects would double if we removed the LineScanner from our tempering furnace. Softsolution has been a great partner all these years, providing us with excellent support and service.”

United Plate Glass recently added the Osprey 10 Distortion to their quality inspection line. “The Osprey 10 Distortion is a fantastic machine, from LiteSentry” says Brown. “It’s an excellent product with repeatability, stability, and tremendous accuracy. It’s a great addition to our quality control process.”

Brown highly recommends LiteSentry-Softsolution to other glass manufacturers. “If you’re looking for the best quality inspection solutions available, look no further than LiteSentry-Softsolution. They’re a top-notch company with exceptional products and services.”

United Plate Glass’s commitment to quality began even before their investment in the LiteSentry-Softsolution quality inspection systems, with the implementation of the VirtualDigitizing software for digitizing templates back in 2011.

Related links: 


08.02.2024, LifeSentry - Softsolution

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