GPD 2023 YouTube playlist now available!

Illuminated by the Finnish summer sun, Glass Performance Days 2023 was full of informative content on a wide variety of topics across the glass industry.

From the bustling Nokia Arena to various networking events around Tampere, Glass Performance Days 2023 was full of insight and inspiration shared by experts in their fields. The event featured six parallel conference sessions running through two days, Step Change and lively meeting and exhibition areas.
We have now officially launched our GPD 2023 YouTube playlist! Presentations held during intensive Glass Performance Days in Tampere were recorded, and the videos will now be published. As we near the GPD 2025 edition, we're excited to share this educational material with you, offering regular opportunities to gain insights from industry leaders and experts and stay ahead of the curve with the latest advancements and trends in the glass industry.

You can start exploring the already available conference sessions:

-> Architectural Challenges & Solutions

-> Automotive & Display Units

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and enable notifications so you can catch every new release! You can also join the GPD community on LinkedIn and Instagram. Feel free to share the videos in your networks and comment to foster dialogue with your industry peers.

Looking forward to seeing you in Tampere in 2025, stay tuned for exciting news about our next GPD edition!

04.04.2024, Glaston

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