AGC Glass Europe announces collaboration with DOVISTA to supply Low-Carbon Glass for specific projects

AGC Glass Europe’s Low-Carbon Glass has been selected by DOVISTA, a prominent industrial window maker, to produce and supply specific end-products in 2024.

This new agreement underscores the growing interest in and recognised value of Low-Carbon Glass, which helps industries reduce their carbon footprint and support their sustainability objectives.

By integrating Low-Carbon Glass products into its manufacturing processes, DOVISTA is taking a decisive step towards reducing its Scope 3 emissions and advancing its comprehensive sustainability roadmap.

AGC Low-Carbon Glass features a reduced Global Warming Potential of 5.5 kg(1)  CO2 eq/m² (for 4 mm float glass). This represents a significant reduction compared to standard float glass, which has a GWP of 10.3 kg(2)  CO2 eq/m² (for 4 mm float glass). When integrated into the manufacturing process of industrial companies, Low-Carbon Glass can effectively address Scope 3 emissions, which include indirect emissions that occur in their value chain. This approach is crucial for industries striving to meet stringent environmental regulations and sustainability targets.

"We are extremely proud of this collaboration with DOVISTA,” says Bart Welvaert, Sales & Marketing Director AGC Glass Europe. "This collaboration is a clear validation of the effectiveness and importance of products with a reduced carbon footprint. We are committed to supporting our partners in their sustainability journeys and helping them achieve their environmental goals."

27.09.2024, AGC Glass Europe

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