Glass Industry News

30th China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition

, China Glass

As a glass industry’s wind vane, the 30th China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition (China Glass 2019) will take place at China International Exhibition Center (new venue) in Beijing from May 22 to 25, 2019.

Gathering various glass categories including glass production, glass application, technology glass, glass processing equipment, raw materials and refractory materials, China Glass 2019 will maintain the concept of professionalization, internationalization and scale-up and will depend on its platform so as to share information, promote integration, and facilitate the transformation and upgrading in the glass industry.

As one of the two main glass exhibitions in the world and the biggest event of the global glass industry in 2019, China Glass 2019 will bring a trade platform and technical arena for international glass community by its international and professional outlook. China Glass 2019 has an exhibition area 106,800 square meters, and attracts 904 companies (including 240 foreign enterprises) from 28 countries including China, the USA, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.

Hall E1 and the eastern part of Hall E2 were set as international area. State pavilions from Germany, Italy and the United States were settled at this area as along with many global glass  industry big brands including LiSEC, Glaston, Bystronic, AGC,   Von Ardenne, SEFPRO, Vesuvius, DIP-tech, Kuraray, Bohle, Koemmerling, Fenzi, Bottero, Intermac, Carl Zeiss, etc.

Glass manufacturer and large equipment provider were distributed in Hall E3 and the western part of Hall E2, such as: China Building Materials Academy, Triumph Group, China Glass Holdings, CSG Holding, China Yaohua, Jinjing Group, Shanghai SYP Glass, Kibing Group, Luoyang Float Glass Group, Hebei Yingxin, Ruitai Materials Technology, TAIWANGLASS, Xinyi Glass, SHANXI LIHU, Shahe Glass Group, HIHO Glass, North Glass, Mountain    Glass, Land Glass, etc.
Hall E4, W2, W3 and W4 was occupied by glass process manufacturer, such as EI Automation Equipment, GOLIVE, Guangdong Fushan Glass, South Glass Technology, Beijing BOZA, Jinan Weili, Tenon(Beijing), Beijing MGM Glass, Shandong Fangding, Guilin Champion Union, Lewei Science & Technology, Dardi water cutter, Shandong Sanjin Glass, Mr. Glass, etc.

Moreover, a large number of small and medium enterprises which specialized at abrasive tools, decorative glass, grinding materials, accessories and glass hardwares were allocated to Hall W1.

, © China Glass

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