Notícias da Empresa

AeroAggregates LLC


AeroAggregates Doubles Production Capacity of Foamed Glass Aggregates

New Production Fills Critical Need for Foamed Glass Aggregates in Sustainable U.S. Building, Highway Construction and Landscape Architecture...

AGC (Asahi Glass Co.)


AGC Glass Float Units in France: Cold Hold project - Boussois 2 line

The management of AGC Glass France has informed the staff of the Boussois Industrial Unit of its intention to close the B2 float line, which has been in operation for over 21 years, while assuring the will to maintain the site within the...


AGC and E.ON sign first green PPA in France

Partners AGC and E.ON signed the first green Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in France to improve energy efficiency and...


Pure Grey, it’s time to switch to your true colours

AGC’s exclusive neutral automotive glass is the first and so far only alternative to green-tinted...



AGC Glass Europe releases Stratobel Mirox laminated mirror for interior applications

When it comes to interior design, safety and style go hand in...


AGC Glass Europe releases Stratobel Mirox laminated mirror for interior applications

When it comes to interior design, safety and style go hand in...


Inauguration of Revolutionary Volta Flat Glass Production Line

On 12 February 2025, AGC and Saint-Gobain officially inaugurated the Volta production line in the presence of local authorities, stakeholders and representatives of both...


AGC invests in a new FINEO production line in Lodelinsart (Belgium)

AGC Glass Europe, the European branch of world leading glass manufacturer AGC, announces a major investment in a new insulating vacuum glass production line at its Lodelinsart site...


AGC investiert in neue FINEO-Produktionslinie in Lodelinsart (Belgien)

AGC Glass Europe kündigte auf der "BAU2025" eine bedeutende Investition in eine neue Vakuum-Isolierglas-Produktionslinie am Standort Lodelinsart (Belgien)...


AGC Glass Europe acquires SGT (Germany)

Effective as of 1 January 2025, AGC Glass Europe expands its activities...


AGC to showcase at CES 2024 cutting-edge glass solutions for mobility revolution

AGC, a global leader in glass, chemicals and high-tech materials for the mobility industry is excited to announce its second appearance at CES...


Luxclear: the anti-corrosion coating for durable transparency, easy maintenance and design flexibility in homes

With its invisible anti-corrosion coating, Luxclear from AGC Glass Europe is the ideal solution for shower screens and can also be effectively deployed in outdoor applications, such as balustrades and...


Luxclear: Neue Beschichtung für mehr Gestaltungsfreiheit

Als neutrales Glas mit unsichtbarer Anti-Korrosions-Beschichtung ist „Luxclear“ von AGC Glass Europe für die Anwendung in Duschen, Brüstungen und Wintergärten...


Neue „Stopray“-Coatings für den sommerlichen Wärmeschutz

AGC Glass Europe erweitert seine Sonnenschutzglas-Produktpalette für die steigenden Erfordernisse im sommerlichen...


Bahnbrechende Flachglas-Fertigung: Gemeinsame Pilot-Linie von AGC und Saint-Gobain

AGC und Saint-Gobain, zwei weltweit führende Flachglas-Hersteller, haben bekannt gegeben, dass sie bei der Entwicklung einer wegweisenden Pilot-Flachglaslinie...


AGC continues to expand production of low embodied CO2 float glass

Six months ago at its site in Moustier, Belgium, AGC Glass Europe started production of Low-Carbon Planibel Clearlite, a float glass whose CO2 footprint has been slashed by more than...


AGC Glass Europe releases Mirox 4Green+ premium mirror featuring water-based paint

Mirox 4Green+ is the latest version of AGC’s premium lead-free mirror featuring a water-based protective coating...


Sustainability Report 2023: Contributing to a sustainable future

AGC Glass Europe is committed to reaching the AGC Group objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% in 2030 and achieve carbon-neutral glass production by...


AGC Glass Europe purchases green electricity from 14 Luminus wind turbines, making its production process more sustainable

Glass producer AGC Glass Europe has signed an electricity purchase agreement with Luminus for the supply of 67 GWh of green...


Ressourcen schonen, kreislauffähig bauen

Am 17. Februar veröffentlichte die Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) die finale Fassung des...


Einladung zum Pressetag auf der BAU 2023 17. April, AGC Pyrobel (Halle C3, Stand 239)

Neue Brandschutzgläser für Fassaden und...


AGC and Saint-Gobain Partner for the Decarbonization of Flat Glass Manufacturing

AGC and Saint-Gobain, worldwide flat glass manufacturers leading in sustainability, announce that they are collaborating on the design of a pilot breakthrough flat glass line that is expected to reduce very significantly its direct CO2 emissions....


AGC Glass Europe closes out International Year of Glass with launch of Low-Carbon Glass

In order to meet growing market demand and reduce the environmental impact of its production processes in line with its carbon neutrality roadmap, AGC Glass Europe is launching its Low-Carbon Glass range, featuring a significantly reduced carbon...


AGC: CO2-reduziertes Glas jetzt verfügbar

AGC Glass Europe startet jetzt den Vertrieb ihres neuen Floatglases „Low-Carbon Planibel Clearlite“ mit einem um mehr als 40 Prozent reduzierten...


Inauguration of new electric Volvo trucks for AGC glass transport by Lannutti

Today the first fully electric truck arrived at AGC’s plant in Cuneo (Italy) marking the completion of an innovative smart logistics project by Volvo Trucks Italia, Lannutti Group and AGC Glass...


Wideye® by AGC to showcase 360° FOV and unique ADAS sensor integrations at CES 2023

Wideye, the AGC Group scaleup specialising in solutions for self-driving vehicle ecosystems, will be at CES 2023 (Las Vegas, 5-8 January 2023), where it will unveil new glass innovations for the efficient, reliable and aesthetic integration of...


New AGC sound insulation glass for facades and glass walls

Find out how the glass meets other important requirements...


Bauen im Bestand: Räume strukturieren mit Ganzglastrennwänden

Wenn Bürogebäude energetisch und technisch saniert werden, entkernen Planer nicht selten auch die Innenräume, um moderne Strukturen...


Multifunktionales Schallschutzglas für Fassaden und Trennwände

Kaum ein Funktionsglas ist so multifunktional wie Schallschutzglas: „Stratophone“ von AGC Glass...


AGC: Neues Low-Carbon-Floatglas

Für eine nachhaltige Zukunft reduziert AGC Glass Europe stetig die Umweltauswirkungen seiner...


AGC Glass Europe announces new float glass range with reduced carbon footprint

AGC Glass Europe is constantly working to reduce the environmental impact of its production processes to ensure a sustainable...


AGC Glass Europe announces new float glass range with reduced carbon footprint

AGC Glass Europe is constantly working to reduce the environmental impact of its production processes to ensure a sustainable...


AGC Glass Europe announces new low-carbon glass range

To contribute to a sustainable world, AGC Glass Europe is committed to developing products that promote sustainable development, and to reducing the environmental impact of its production...


AGC Glass Europe: Neue Floatglas-Range mit deutlich reduziertem CO2-Footprint

Für eine nachhaltige Zukunft reduziert AGC Glass Europe stetig die Umweltauswirkungen seiner Produktionsprozesse. Jetzt kündigt die Unternehmensgruppe eine neue Floatglas-Range mit deutlich reduziertem CO2-Footprint...


Multifunktionales Brandschutz-Isolierglas für die Fassade

Normales Isolierglas weist eine verhältnismäßig geringe Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit...


AluK and AGC Glass Europe enter into exclusive partnership to develop ´Clara by AluK´

´Clara by AluK´, the first window system with sash covering glass and aluminium...


Our environment policy has a double focus

We aim to be at the forefront in developing new products with better environmental performance during their...


Wideye selected to supply key protective optical components for the “ibeoNEXT”

Wideye® by AGC is very proud to announce it has been officially selected by Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH to supply key protective optical components for the production of the “ibeoNEXT” LiDAR...


Begehbarer Schrägeinbau: Brandschutzglas im Schleusenhaus

Begehbarer Schrägeinbau: Brandschutzglas im...


Erweiterte Produktionskapazität durch neue Kooperation

AGC Glass Europe vergibt eine Lizenz zur Produktion von Clara-Ganzglasflügeln an den spanischen Glashersteller Arino...


AGC and EyeLights have joined forces to bring the Augmented Reality windshield to CES 2022

AGC and EyeLights have joined forces to bring the Augmented Reality windshield to CES...


Ammonia combustion technology development project including AGC selected by NEDO

Ammonia combustion technology development project including AGC selected by...


Deceuninck and AGC Glass Europe enter into a strategic partnership

Elegant and Decalu profiles can now also be fitted with FINEO vacuum...


Ästhetischer und funktionaler Brandschutz in Kliniken

Ästhetischer und funktionaler Brandschutz in...

AGC Automotive (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.


AGC’s Digital CurtainTM Light Control Glass Adopted for Toyota’s “Century”

AGC, a world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals, and high-tech materials, has announced that its Digital Curtain™*1 light control glass has been adopted for Toyota’s Century model, which will be launched in...

AGC Automotive Europe


Faced with Covid-19 pandemic, AGC Glass Europe adapts its business activity to safety requirements

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic AGC Glass Europe has drastically reduced its manufacturing and distribution activities, which are spread all over...

AGC Automotive Europe S.A.


Brandschutzglas trifft Vakuum

Im Zentrum des Messeauftrittes von AGC Pyrobel auf der BAU 2023...

AGC Ceramics


World´s First Demonstration Test of Glass Production Using Ammonia as Fuel in Actual Production Furnace

- Contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the glass manufacturing process...


AGC to Revise Pricing for Architectural Glass Products in Japan

AGC has decided to raise the sales price of its architectural glass-related products in...

AGC Ceramics Co., Ltd.


Introducing AGC’s Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Generator – externally verified and seamlessly integrated into the Glass Configurator

Leading glassmaker AGC Glass Europe recently launched its Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Generator, a powerful tool designed to facilitate sustainable decision-making in the construction...


AGC Glass Europe announces collaboration with DOVISTA to supply Low-Carbon Glass for specific projects

AGC Glass Europe’s Low-Carbon Glass has been selected by DOVISTA, a prominent industrial window maker, to produce and supply specific end-products in...


AGC Glass Europe to incorporate Eastman’s Saflex™ LiteCarbon™ Clear interlayer into Low-Carbon Stratobel Glass

AGC inaugurated a new LSG production facility in Osterweddingen at the end of April...


AGC Glass Europe is committed to reaching the AGC Group objective to reduce its carbon footprint by 30% in 2030 (FY2019) and achieve carbon-neutral gl

The company has set out a carbon roadmap that takes all parts of the value chain into consideration, covering sustainable sourcing of raw materials, using highly efficient melting furnaces, increasing the use of recycled glass and using green...


AGC starts new LSG production in eastern Germany

AGC inaugurated a new LSG production facility in Osterweddingen at the end of April...


Now available: Low-Carbon Pyrobel Glass

With a view to meeting growing market demand and reducing the environmental impact of its production processes in line with its Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality, AGC Glass Europe launched its Low-Carbon Glass range in...


AGC and partners successfully recycles solar panel glass

AGC Group has announced that it has succeeded for the first time in a demonstration test to recycle cover glass for solar modules into float glass. With the success of this test, AGC expects that cover glass can be used to make float...


AGC Achieves Additional Success in Demonstration Test of Solar Panel Cover Glass Recycling

AGC, a world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals, and high-tech materials, has announced that it has succeeded for the first time in Japan in a demonstration test to recycle cover glass for solar panels into float...


AGC Achieves Success in Demonstration Test of Solar Panel Cover Glass Recycling

A first in Japan for sheet glass raw...


AGC Achieves Success in Demonstration Test of Glass Production Using Hydrogen as Fuel

AGC, a world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals, and high-tech materials, has announced that it has succeeded in a demonstration test of glass production using hydrogen as...


AGC Develops 5G Millimeter Wave Transparent Antenna for FWA that Can Be Installed on Windows

AGC will continue to optimize performance and confirm the reliability, aiming to commercialize the antenna in...


AGC Established a Global Tri-polar R&D Framework for Automotive On-glass Antennas

AGC announced that the anechoic chambers constructed in Gosselies (Belgium) for the development of automotive on-glass antennas were inaugurated on March 15,...

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