Tecnoglass Inc., a manufacturer of architectural glass, windows and associated aluminum products, has entered into a joint venture agreement with Saint-Gobain through the planned purchase of a minority ownership interest in Vidrio...
Kh. Shahidul Islam has joined on 3rd February’2022 as the Managing Director & CEO of Usmania Glass Sheet Factory Ltd. (UGSFL), Chattogram, according to an official...
Valmet Automotive has built cars for Mercedes-Benz, Saab, and even...
By completing an extensive reconstruction of the current glass melting furnace in August-September of 2021, AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA has built the new, advanced E-glass melting furnace No. 2.2. EUR 9 million was invested in this project to...
AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA hereby informs that the reconstruction of a high silica glass melting furnace No. 3.0 was successfully completed on 29th November 2019. The maximum capacity of the glass melting furnace was expected to be reached by the...
The Management Board of AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA hereby announces that due to significant unexpected losses during the extended start-up phase of P-D VALMIERA GLASS USA Corporation’s Phase II operations, the Company, the major shareholder of P-D...
Wie kann es gelingen, die Ökobilanz der Flachglasindustrie zu...
How can we succeed in improving the eco-balance of the flat glass...
How do I reduce my CO2 footprint as a manufacturing...
Europäische Unternehmen präsentieren Kunden in Indien aus der Glas herstellenden und verarbeitenden Industrie ihre neueste Technologie. Jetzt...
Call for Papers - Beiträge zu den Themen Energiewende und energieeffiziente, nachhaltige Thermoprozesstechnik...
Künstliche Intelligenz simuliert menschliche Denkprozesse. Sie kann Bilder wahrnehmen und verarbeiten, Sprache erkennen, entscheiden und Sprachen untereinander...
Artificial intelligence simulates human thought processes. It can detect and process images, recognise language, make decisions, and translate into different...
Automation and digitalisation are making their mark on glass as a product and on how it is...
The 7th edition of glasspex India, Glass Production Technologies & Processes, was scheduled to take place September 23-25, 2021, at the Bombay Exhibition Centre,...
Glass surfaces can be pre-treated so that they do not offer bacteria and viruses a chance to survive and do not aggregate layers of dirt....
The OPC UA Companion Specification 40301 and the associated VDMA standard sheet are expected to be available as a release in October 2021 - after the review and comment phase has been...
Metals, concrete, and plastics are all materials which can be...
Glas ist längst nicht mehr nur...
Glass isn’t just glass anymore – it has become a smart component for a wide variety of...
Glass as a load-bearing construction material in the building industry is a...
Mumbai October 10 and 11: “German Glass Technology for the Indian Market” / glasspex – glasspro India...
Production processes are constantly being...
Produktionsabläufe unterliegen ständigen Optimierungsprozessen. Zeit- und Kostendruck erfordern es, Organisationsstrukturen in der internen Logistik ständig zu überdenken und neu zu organisieren. Auch in der...
Die nächste Sitzung des Industriearbeitskreises "Forschung und Technologie" widmet sich den Themenfeldern "Recycling von Glas und Glaselementen" und "Shop Floor...
The new building of the Tyrolean educational centre in Lans, Austria, offers optimal conditions for users with its special architectural and lighting...
Die Verallia Packaging S.A.S., deren einzige Gesellschafterin die Verallia S.A. ist, hält über ihre Tochtergesellschaften Verallia France S.A. und Horizon Holdings Germany GmbH über 95% der Aktien an der Verallia Deutschland...
Sunday morning, a strong explosion and fire hereafter happened in Verallia glass factory in...