Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

Request your offer via plants.glassglobal.com.

Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


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Informações de contato

Endereço iPLON GmbH
Karl-Kurz-Straße 36
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Email Get in contact with iPLON GmbH

Produtos / Máquinas

iPLON developes controlling and survilliance systems for the PV domain that meet the highest industrial standards. "Industrial Ruggedness" is the quality level that we as well as our customers can expect from our products. Error-messages of the inverters can be aquired by our soft- and hardware-tools. Regardless what kind of product or type is used. Our internet portal offers a wide range of workflow support for maintenance, upkeeping and neccessary remedial maintenance of pv systems. We offer more than a solid portal solution: All data aquired by our systems will be preprocessd for target audience visualisation. All options can be preconfigured. Therefore customers have an other view of the system than an support service person that will be able to see all error- or warning-messages. iPLON offers scalable solutions. Starting with small pv installations up to solar-parks: today more than 200 pv-systems are in permanent control with iPLON systems. "Always Online" - this slogan describes our philosophy if it is on controlling of pv systems. With our GPRS- and UMTS-solutions every single installation can interact with our portal solutions whenever the need arises. There are no red lights for error-messages - just a constant workflow being startet with every message. Our "Reverse-Tunneling-Technology" offers even more comfort. Every installation is just a mouse-click away. This means that a initial diagnosis is possible. Especially for solar farms we offer a brand new range of integrated products and services for DAQ directly within field connector terminals. This enables new options: Starting with "fuse control", current measurement and leading to the automatic creation of error messages if values vary out of range. iPLON keeps you in control of your solar farm with sophisticated controlling tools. Another highlight is our power-line-communication concept for solar farms. We are able to send information right over the DC wires - rated up to 1.000VDC. Hence, no more expensive external data wiring. To reduce costs even further, you can abandon all supply cables for your DAQ equipment. Our systems can connect directly to the DC wires within the field terminal - rated up to 1.000VDC. Already existing field terminals can be easiely upgraded with our solutions. You can save a lot of money if you can save the fence surrounding your solar farm. Our survilliance cams offer a 24/7 birdseye view on your solar farm that meet the requirements of all important insurance companies.