Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


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Informações de contato

Endereço SgurrEnergy India Pvt. Ltd.
5, Sadgurukrupa Complex, 557A/11B S
557A/11B Salisbury park, Gultekdi.
411037 Pune
Email Get in contact with SgurrEnergy India Pvt. Ltd.

Produtos / Máquinas

Our specialist teams provide a wealth of experience and expertise in the following core areas:


  • Site identification and selection
  • Renewable energy feasibility studies


  • Resource assessment and energy yield prediction
  1. 10-80m met mast installation service
  2. Lidar wind regime assessment
  3. Wave and tidal resource assessment
  4. Water flow and head measurement
  5. Biomass fuel supply evaluation
  6. Site identification and selection
  7. Solar resource evaluation
  • Project sizing and design optimisation, for example:
  1. Wind farm layout design o Islanded hybrid system optimisation
  2. Industrial biomass system design
  3. Redevelopment of abandoned hydro plants
  4. Solar Park Layout
  5. Shading Analysis and modelling
  6. Inverter, module, mounting system (tracker or fixed) selection
  7. Iterative layout optimisation
  8. Detailed electrical connections, cable schedules and losses
  9. Protection systems, fault / lightning / earthing
  10. Control and instrumentation
  11. Energy yield analysis
  12. Pre-contract documentation and negotiations
  • Data acquisition and analysis
  • CFD modelling
  • Technology assessment
  • Multi-disciplinary engineering teams, including electrical, controls, civil and structural expertise
  • Expert reports
  • Pre-contract documentation, specifications and negotiations
  • Financial model including capital costs
  • Environmental impact assessment
  1. Operating and construction noise vibration assessment and mitigation advice
  2. Shadow flicker
  3. Landscape & visual impact modelling


  • Independent technical and financial due diligence
  1. Lenders engineer, banks engineer ongoing through construction
  2. Technical advisor and owners engineer
  3. Mergers and acquisitions
  • Strategic advice
  • Contracting and procurement strategies
  • Market studies
  • Technology assessment (Expert reports on established and emerging technologies)
  • Supply chain & supplier analysis
  • Energy yield prediction and reviews
  • Full multi-discipline engineering expertise


  • Technical advisor and employer’s representative
  • QA Inspections and Factory Acceptance Tests
  • Project and site management, including health & safety
  • SCADA systems and integration, electrical and control systems expertise Contract specification and review
  • Civil and structural expertise


  • Post investment appraisal of projects
  • Asset management, inspection, monitoring and performance optimisation
  • Warranty and contract management
  • Failure prediction and strategy/condition monitoring maintenance
  • Incident investigation/root cause failure analysis
  • Specification preparation and tender assessment
  • Site health and safety management and consultancy
  • Refurbishment and repowering assessment and management


Galion represents a significant advancement in the technical capabilities of capturing wind data. The technology offers the following additional benefits to current lidar devices on the market.

  • Compact, silent, discreet and light, with low power consumption: highly deployable.
  • All-sky scanning capability allows multiple wind turbine locations to be surveyed from a single deployment site. • High resolution data capture to at least 2km.
  • Pulsed laser technology eliminates cloud ambiguities. No cloud correction required.
  • Beam steering capability enables scans that achieve accurate measurements in complex terrain and forestry.

Early indications demonstrate that Galion captures data equal to a mast with the added benefits given above. The Galion is exclusively available from SgurrEnergy.


SgurrTrend is a suite of powerful performance monitoring software tools that makes the analysis of SCADA data effortless, allowing the analysts to concentrate on improving your revenue. It enables analysts to: • Rapidly identify lost power, and hence revenue, and assign it to a particular cause

  • Schedule inspection and maintenance intelligently
  • Ensure the best performance from each individual turbine Power performance is investigated with reference to warranted or operational benchmarks.

It can be trended over different periods for an individual turbine or between multiple turbines to provide a complete picture of performance. Perfect Service No up-front cost, no warranty implications and real benefits in terms of income, performance and lifetime service. Detailed analysis and concrete recommendations are provided on a monthly basis. 


SgurrEnergy offers an impartial, proactive assessment of any renewable energy project irrespective of the stage of development. As one of the most responsive consultancies in the industry SgurrEnergy prides itself on its track record of delivering essential information that can be defended within the tight timescales demanded by the financial sector.

SgurrEnergy fully understands the risks of investing in a renewable energy project. Our robust approach to uncertainty assessment and mitigation measures enables us to provide reliable predictions of annual energy yields and the energy resource uncertainties.

Post investment appraisal confirms our predictions lie within the quoted uncertainty limits. Indeed, predicted production is typically within 5% of actual for a well managed project. Our areas of expertise encompass the technical, commercial and legal issues and identifying areas of risk relating to;

  • Key project agreements, including EPC contracts, O&M agreements, grid connection, power purchase agreements (PPA), credits and subsidy schemes;
  • Energy yield prediction, including assessment of the suitability of candidate turbines and wind farm layout design for site wind regime.
  • Review of Sponsor energy yield predictions, including quality of data, levels of uncertainty and calculation of losses;
  • Costs relating to development, construction and operational phase of a project;
  • Performance guarantees and warranties, including adequacy of liquated damages and limits of liability;
  • Permits, planning, PPA, grid connection and future regulatory and market developments;
  • Project life-cycle assessment, including O&M contracts and costs, and compliance with planning permits;
  • Issues relating to the potential expansion or repowering of a site in the future; and,
  • Project Sponsor, supplier and contractor experience and capability.