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Produtos / Máquinas
With some 190 highly qualified staff members, Österreichisches Forschungs- und Prüfzentrum Arsenal Ges.m.b.H. has established itself as a European research center in the future-oriented fields of mobility and energy.
Worldwide, there is a rising tendency toward power generation using solar energy – the market of Photovoltaics posts an annual growth rate of 30 %. Controlled quality is one basic requirement for the success on this dynamic market. Thus, independent testing of PV-components becomes more and more important for the increasing international competition. On the long term, the proper operation of PV facilities can only be guaranteed by practical and internationally approved tests. With Austria’s only accredited test laboratory for Photovoltaic modules, arsenal research offers standardised tests as well as scientifically established support in development for producers worldwide. The accreditation according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 defines the strict specifications of quality management systems and operation methods of test and calibration laboratories.
Internationally, arsenal research acts on the field of research and development of photovoltaic components for years now. Due to participation in EU research projects as well as national and international standardisation, cooperation with other experts can be intensified.
Our laboratory infrastructure contains test facilities (indoor and outdoor) and several efficient climate chambers, where the aging process of PV components can be simulated in shortened time.
The accredited testing services range from performance tests of PV modules according to EN 60904-1 to tests of type aptitude and registration of terrestrial PV modules with silicon solar cells (IEC/EN 61215), thin-film cells (IEC/EN 61646) and tests according to the safety standard IEC/EN 61730.
Beside these accredited test services we offer individual support in research and development for PV producers in order to optimise production processes in a sustained way.
Solar thermal energy
The thermal use of solar energy has made an astonishing progress from a dedicated self-construction initiative to a remarkable economic sector. In Austria, already 3.5 million square meters have been installed. Further increase is to be expected within the next years, since the European Commission, for example, calls for a tenfold increase of the area of installed collectors in Europe until 2010. That’s why arsenal research is determined to participate in the distribution of this technology by means of research, development support, independent tests and the assurance of high quality standards.
The rapid development of the market the last years is not least the result of the standardization of concepts and components. Arsenal research contributes as accredited testing laboratory for solar thermal collectors as well as specialist training of Austrian plumbers and domestic engineering planners (training “certified solar thermal installer and planner, respectively”) for the quality assurance of the installed solar thermal systems in Austria.
The position on the market and successful exports can only be maintained in the long run by consequent improvement and innovation of the product. To assure well-engineered products and services with small risk of future costs of complaints and other business risks, the most efficient solution is an extensive sweep of pre-tests.
In the form of custom-made training programs and further education, which convey not only theoretical basics but also impart practical knowledge, the experts of arsenal research make their broad know-how available to interested companies and people. We make up individual courses as desired by the customer, but offer standard programs also.
Practical contents of teaching are provided by laboratory tutorials and demonstrations in our own labs and proving grounds, while theoretical knowledge is taught using state-of-the-art presentations and customised training equipment.
Service Training Courses
In the form of custom-made training programs and further education, which convey not only theoretical basics but also impart practical knowledge, the experts of arsenal research make their broad know-how available to interested companies and people. We make up individual courses as desired by the customer, but offer standard programs also.
Practical contents of teaching are provided by laboratory tutorials and demonstrations in our own labs and proving grounds, while theoretical knowledge is taught using state-of-the-art presentations and customised training equipment.