Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


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Informações de contato

Endereço Danish Solar Energy Ltd. -
Dansk Solenergi ApS
Glückstadtsvej 2
2100 Copenhagen
Email Get in contact with Danish Solar Energy Ltd. -

Produtos / Máquinas

Danish Solar Energy manufactures broad range of high quality photovoltaic technology for standard modules and BIPV. Danish Solar Energy was established in 1993 and offer complete photovoltaic solutions either linked to the grid or as stand-alone systems. With our Photovoltaic systems we offer an attractive solution for increasing numbers of applications that demand an economic and reliable power supply – even under extreme environmental conditions. Our custom-made solutions are based on our know-how, experience and commitment as well as our cooperation within an international network of competent partners. We offer high quality solar modules, technical guidance, individually support in design, consultancy and project management – We plan and coordinate the entire project from idea to realization. HEM solar modules Dansk Solenergi – Danish Solar Energy manufactures high quality HEM solar modules using innovative technology. Our field-proven mono- and poly-crystalline products provide optimum solutions to practically every energy requirement, from a few watts to Megawatts. During the manufacturing of the solar modules Dansk Solenergi pays special attention to the economical use of natural recourses. The quality is without compromise and by using HEM solar modules you will have the ultimate quality both now and in the future. Choose a clean solution Solar modules generate electricity from sunlight in an environmentally friendly way. Their operation pollutes neither air nor water and is completely silent. Glass, silicon and aluminium, the main components of the solar modules, can be processed by a recycling plant. The advantage of using solar power The solar systems generate electricity without noise, smell, fumes or contamination. Once the system is installed, it produces energy at no cost, providing complete independence from external sources of fossil fuels, with all the associated cost and transport problems. The solar system is virtually maintenance free, their life span is estimated to be between 25-30 years, due to the absence of moving parts that are subject to mechanical flaws and wear and tear. The solar system do not waste energy, in marked contrast to generators powered by fossil fuels, which have a constantly high consumption regardless of the amount of energy required! The solar system reduce the CO2 compare to generators powered by fossil fuels The possibilities for solar power applications are basically only limited by your own imagination! Solar Energy for almost everything Solar power can supply autonomous power in rural areas or it can be connected to the grid. Solar power can provide electricity for basically everything; it is only our imagination that sets the limit! Type and size of a solar power system is based on customers need for electricity, location and place of the solar power system. To make the professional solution for our customers, Dansk Solenergi – Danish Solar Energy Ltd. design every solar power system individually. Stand-alone applications In developing projects and for research work Dansk Solenergi – Danish Solar Energy has installed photovoltaic systems, which are responsible for supply of safe electricity. The systems are often installed by locals after our guidelines. We have made solar power solutions for water pumping, telecommunication, private homes, agriculture, street lights, health clinics, vaccine storage, mobile homes, marines, navigation systems, security systems and Refugee Camps. Grid-connected applications In Europe we have connected several Megawatts to the grid. We have supplied private houses where each system is mounted after customers building requirements and larges power stations often mounted at ground. A Grid-connected solar power system offers both economic and environmental advantages. The system is a clean and pollution-free energy and the electricity generated by the solar power system is feted through a meter, back into the utility grid. Every system is designed after the interconnection agreement; they set the terms and conditions under which a solar power system can be safely connected to the grid. Dansk Solenergi - Danish Solar Energy Ltd has installed photovoltaic systems in rural areas worldwide, which are responsible for supply of safe electricity. In Senegal we provided 62 water pumps with electricity. Dansk Solenergi - Danish Solar Energy Ltd has connected quite a few Megawatts to the grid in Europe. In Spain we have delivered solar modules for larges solar power stations. For further information or expert assistance in the planning and design of your photovoltaic system please contact us Contact us: Dansk Solenergi RI Phone: +45 39 43 77 67 Danish Solar Energy Ltd Fax: +45 39 43 77 68 Glückstadtsvej 2 info@dansksolenergi.dk 2100 Copenhagen www.dansksolenergi.dk Denmark