Gardner Denver Schopfheim GmbH


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Rotary vane compressor with synchronous reluctance motor in glass production at Verallia
IE3 and IE4: comparative test of the drives on rotary vane compressors
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Durable rotary vane compressors with a total power of 3600 kW at Saint-Gobain Ob
Saint-Gobain Oberland AG is one of the leading manufacturers of container glass. Its Wirges/Westerwald factory in Germany produces some 1.5 million bottles per day, using huge quantities of compressed air in various compression stages. The compressed air is generated by extremely durable rotary vane compressors, which as well as requiring little maintenance are highly energy efficient.
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Feedback Form for rotary screw compressors
You can count on us! We give you the cost-conscious customer-oriented professional support you need – from concept development to the final installation of your system.
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Feedback Fax for rotary vane compressors
Fax to Gardner Denver Wittig, Mr. Kock
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X-RO topline Wittig - Picture
Flow rates from 253 to 946 m³/h, operating pressure 3 - 10 bar(g). Compressors are mounted standig up, which means less space is needed.
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X-RO Wittig - Picture
Flow rates from 1.052 to 6000 m³/h, operating pressure 3 - 10 bar(g). The rotary vane compressors are mounted on a robust base frame as compact unit.
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X-WPSO Wittig - Picture
Effective suction capacities from 720 to 4.450 m³/h, maximum operating pressure 200 mbar(abs.). The pumps are equipped with water cooling.
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Vakuum und Druck für die Glasindustrie
Flyer - Deutsch
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Vacuum and pressure for the glass industry
Flyer - English
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X-Serie Wittig Drehschieber Luft
Prospekt - Deutsch
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X-Series Wittig Rotary Vane - Air
Brochure - English
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Image - Gardner Denver - Deutsch/English
The Gardner Denver Brochure gives you an overview on all Gardner Denver products. You will also see the Gardner Denver Blower Division Locations
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Vakuum- and Drucklösungen für die Prozessindustrie
Prospekt - Deutsch
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Vacuum and pressure solutions for the process industry
Brochure - English
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