Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


Pneumofore S.p.A.


Pneumofore vacuum solution for Arglass in USA

New Glass Furnaces Rise as Old Ones shut Down - Discover a Technology driving a Greener Industry


  • Batch, forno, fusão, revestimento


Sustainable Innovation: Advanced Air Solutions for Hollow Glass Manufacturing

In the heart of a glass factory, bottles come to life where the gob enters the mould at the IS machine. In this process, compressed air and vacuum play a major role, dictating the speed and quality of the hollow glass


  • Batch, forno, fusão, revestimento


Celebrating Pneumofore 100th Anniversary

With the motto of “Inspiring the Future since 1923”, Pneumofore welcomed in Turin its network of distributors and partners from around the world to celebrate the company’s 100 Years of


  • Batch, forno, fusão, revestimento


Giving Breath to Glass Business since 1923

Container glass moulding strongly relies on the supply of compressed air and vacuum to achieve higher production rates and improved


  • Notícias relacionadas indústria do vidro


Pneumofore at Glasstec 2022

The world of glass finally returned to experience the pure trade fair feeling at Glasstec, the No. 1 international exhibition dedicated to the global glassmaking


  • Notícias relacionadas indústria do vidro


Pneumofore Vacuum Pumps in Turkey

Traditional, yet dynamic. These qualities are typical for long-term successful industries, like the factories for tableware, container- and


  • Batch, forno, fusão, revestimento


Pumping Non-Stop 20 Years Long

Part of a UV30 vacuum pump from 2002 has returned to Pneumofore for its first overhauling after 20 years of continuous


  • Vidro oco, domestico, técnica


Surpassing Expectations at Ardagh Glass

Pneumofore machines are sold with pay-back calculations. For our customers, the average Return on Investment is 36 months, sometimes even


  • Vidro oco, domestico, técnica


The Advantages of Rotary Vane Technology for Weck Glaswerk, Germany

Weck Glaswerk, one of the most historic and renowned glassworks in Germany, has relied for decades on Rotary Vane technology for the supply of vacuum and compressed air to the IS


  • Vidro oco, domestico, técnica


New UV100 Vacuum Pumps for the No. 1 Beer Producer in Mexico

Grupo Modelo, which is part of the world’s largest beer brewer A.B. InBev, is the leader in manufacturing, distribution and sale of beer in


  • Vidro oco, domestico, técnica


Vacuum System for Glass Manufacturing at O-I Italy 50 Years of Non-Stop Vacuum

The Italian glassmaker Vetrerie Meridionali, part of the O-I Group, world’s leader in the hollow glass industry, has relied on Pneumofore vacuum pumps since


  • Vidro oco, domestico, técnica


Vacuum System Upgrade at O-I Plant

Vetrerie Meridionali is one of the traditional Italian glassworks, it started as a private enterprise in


  • Vidro oco, domestico, técnica


30th International Technical Exhibition for Glass Industry

With over 30,000 visitors at each edition and an increasing presence of companies from all over the world, the China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition is the most important glass industry tradeshow in PRC and one of the leading


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