
QR code

With the help of the QR-code, it is possible for you to load the address and contact information of Harald Hacks Tech GmbH directly into your mobile phone and save it under contacts. All you need is a smart-phone (eg iPhone or any other similar device) and the software needed to read. For the iPhone we recommend: i-nigma. Download this software free of charge in the App Store.

QR Code - What is it?

The QR code is a square matrix of black and white dots, representing the binary encoded data. A specific mark in three of the four corners of the square provides its orientation. The data in the QR code are protected by an error-correcting code.

How do I use QR code?

After installing i-nigna on your iPhone (or similar devices), start the software. You will see a camera cut. Hold your iPhone above the screen that you can see the full square with the iPhone camera. It is captured automatically and translated into the clear text.

Info Grid

Informações de contato

Se você quiser enviar uma mensagem ou ter dúvidas sobre os mecanismos oferecidos, equipamentos ou serviços, por favor clique em "Digite formulário de contato ..." Para enviar a sua mensagem

Digite Formulário de contato

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