Trade Market - Todos os Ofertas e Pedidos / Produção Máquinas - Moldes
01.11.2024 (for Sale)
Ring blower 2RB 530 AH36 2.2KW Simple maintenance Laser printers
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
01.11.2024 (for Sale)
Ring blower 2RB 630 AH06 1.6KW Low noise Food-processing
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01.11.2024 (for Sale)
Ring blower 2RB 720 HH47 5.5KW No vibration Aeration of fish ponds
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01.11.2024 (for Sale)
Ring blower 2RB 810 AH27 7.5KW 100%oil-free air Aeration of fish ponds
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01.11.2024 (for Sale)
Ring blower 2RB 910 AH37 18.5KW Higher pressure ratio Soil remediatiom
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
31.10.2024, (Siegler Hohlglasservice) (for Sale)
Emhart Section Boxes TG 3" for IS machine, glass forming machine , is-machine , is-section , tripple
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
31.10.2024, (Siegler Hohlglasservice) (for Sale)
Emhart AIS Section Boxes DG 6 1/4
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31.10.2024 (for Sale)
Emhart IS 8 TG 3" , IS machine, glass forming machine, is-machine , is-section tripple gob IS-8 sec
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
31.10.2024, (Siegler Hohlglasservice) (for Sale)
Emhart IS 8 TG 85 mm , IS-machine, glass forming machine, is machine section tripple gob bottle prod
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
31.10.2024, (Siegler Hohlglasservice) (for Sale)
Emhart IS 8 section DG 4 1/4" , IS-machine, glass froming machine, IS-8 double gob bottle production
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
29.10.2024, (Siegler Hohlglasservice) (for Sale)
3 pc. IS machine 6-section, EF 4 1/4, glass forming machine, is-machine , is section , bottle produc
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
29.10.2024, (Siegler Hohlglasservice) (for Sale)
Emhart Feeder-Mechanism 144 and 81 for IS machine, glass forming machine, is-machine , gob forming
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas
29.10.2024, (Siegler Hohlglasservice) (for Sale)
IS-machine mechanism and variable parts for 5 1/2" DG, glass forming machine , is machine mold holde
- / Máquinas e Ferramentas